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Frustration-Free, Step-by-Step Instructions Make Starting and Running Your Own Online Business a Reality in a Matter of Weeks

Here at Second Momentum you will discover essential training, how-to's, advice and support you need to accelerate your learning curve and navigate through the online world of business. 

The GOOD NEWS is...traditional business practices that you've experienced in retail, corporate, and office settings will skyrocket you to offering your experience and knowledge to clients who want to learn what you know. You have knowledge and wisdom in your areas of expertise that can be of great value to others.

The TRICKY PART is...the entire landscape of the online business world is different from the traditional workplace environment. There's new systems, processes and terminology that need to be put into play, and new technology you will need to navigate.

For example...

...Setting up an online payment system is different from opening a cash register.
...Running a Facebook ad is different from submitting a print ad to the newspaper.
...Hiring a virtual assistant is different from sitting across from an employee in an office.
...Sales funnels & lead magnets replace cold calling.
...An avatar is a customer, not a character in a movie.
...A virtual list becomes the messaging mechanism for warm clients.
...An affiliate is not an acquaintance, but a form of income.

...Creating copy does not mean standing over a machine waiting for a duplicate.

Whaaaaa? You get the picture.  But it's really no different than learning the rules of a new game or sport. If you have the desire to build a business, the terms will eventually become second nature.



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